Facebook Messenger Desktop Supports Voice Messages

Now FB messenger desktop supports voice messages. Amidst the massive success of Facebook Messenger, the popular instant-messaging service never ever forgets to update its platform and upgrade some of its features and messaging properties. Recently, Facebook Messenger has been under attack by some experts and users for not fulfilling its promise to present an end-to-end encryption feature as soon as possible.

It has been almost a year since the CEO of Facebook admitted that the end-to-end encryption in Facebook’s instant-messaging apps is indeed the next big step. Unfortunately, it appears that it would take years for Facebook to fully solidify its messaging apps against any third-party interference. Still, the well-known FB Messenger is rapidly growing and attracting millions of new users and that’s why it’s so important for the blue social media brand to keep updating its apps and services regularly to meet the market’s needs and requirements in 2020.

The past few weeks witnessed the newest update of Facebook Messenger app for Windows 10. The important update to Messenger Desktop Beta is now available for customers everywhere and it does bring about some new features and enhancements. The latest desktop version of the app – 310.9.109.0 – provides users with a much required feature which is the support for sending voice clips from Messenger Desktop.

There is also an enhanced user interface and an added night mode – the Dark Mode – that suits nighttime hours. Facebook Messenger Desktop is one of the most important and most used apps by the popular company. It offers a big bundle of features and is highly effective for online entrepreneurs and starting businesses too.


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