Facebook Messenger is no Longer Available Without a Profile First

Facebook instant-messaging services, Facebook Messenger and Messenger Lite, are the top apps at the moment with more than one billion users who are regularly utilizing the messaging platforms for varied reasons and to stay in touch with a whole lot of different people – relatives and co-workers.

However, it seems that the famous social media app has been preparing, for some time now, to carry out some major changes and improvements that’ll end up making Facebook and all of its related services better and more efficient – hopefully! Last year, Facebook’s CEO promised to work on representing an end-to-end encryption feature as soon as possible; and even though this decision seems to be quite unattainable and unrealistic for the Facebook management right now, the reputable socializing company is working tirelessly to enhance and upgrade all of its apps for the user’s sake and for general benefits too.

It was revealed over the past couple of weeks that Facebook Messenger is going to be no longer available for new users without first creating a profile. Just right before the end of 2019, Facebook removed the option of signing up for Messenger without initially having an active Facebook profile. This Facebook decision happened, kind of, out of a sudden, and now the new Messenger users will need an active FB account first in order to chat with friends and colleagues via the app. Many users weren’t shocked at all by the latest Facebook decision to remove logins to Messenger without profiles. In fact, the majority of Facebook users are logged in to Messenger via their Facebook accounts / profiles.

Back in 2015, Facebook first presented the sign-up for its Messenger with no profile in an attempt to make the instant-messaging service available for the biggest possible number of people everywhere. Five years ago, Facebook was facing some limitations in some regions and communities due to network malfunction or governments opposing the blue app itself; the easy sign-up for Facebook Messenger made it easy for a lot of people to access the messaging app at all times with no need for a profile page. And despite the fact that the prior sign-up for Messenger did help increase the number of Facebook users, officials at the company decided it’s time to let go of this feature for good.

The great majority of Facebook users are actually using both of the social media app and its Messenger at the same time and that’s why officials at Facebook assure that the recent decision to remove sign-up for Messenger alone won’t affect many users. Another reason for the latest Facebook decision about its Messenger is that the well-known company is looking forward to take the first steps towards uniting all of Facebook’s apps and services in one functional, cohesive entity.


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